Abstract: Incorporating the depth (D) information for RGB images has proven the effectiveness and robustness in semantic segmentation. However, the fusion between them is still a challenge due to their meaning discrepancy, in which RGB represents the color but D depth information. In this paper, we propose a co-attention Network (CANet) to capture the fine-grained interplay between RGB�_and D�_ features. The key part in our CANet is co-attention fusion part. It includes three modules. At first, the position and channel co-attention fusion modules adaptively fuse color and depth features in spatial and channel dimension. Finally, a final fusion module integrates the outputs of the two co-attention fusion modules for forming a more representative feature. Our extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of CANet in fusing RGB and D features, achieving the state-of-the-art performance on two challenging RGB-D semantic segmentation datasets, i.e., NYUDv2, SUN-RGBD.


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