Explaining an image classifier's decisions using generative models

Chirag Agarwal (UIC), Anh Nguyen (Auburn University)*

Keywords: Applications of Computer Vision, Vision for X

Abstract: Perturbation-based explanation methods often measure the contribution of an input feature to an image classifier's outputs by heuristically removing it via e.g. blurring, adding noise, or graying out, which often produce unrealistic, out-of-samples. Instead, we propose to integrate a generative inpainter into three representative attribution methods to remove an input feature. Our proposed change improved all three methods in (1) generating more plausible counterfactual samples under the true data distribution; (2) being more accurate according to three metrics: object localization, deletion, and saliency metrics; and (3) being more robust to hyperparameter changes. Our findings were consistent across both ImageNet and Places365 datasets and two different pairs of classifiers and inpainters.


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